Play Therapy
Hawaii Association
Find out what drives us to do what we do.
Here you will be able to find information about HAPT, play therapy in Hawaii, professional development for play therapists, and conferences and workshops in Hawaii and abroad.
We hope you find what you need on our site - whether its gathering information to attend our next event; taking a few minutes to escape, relax, and check out the most current copy of the Hawaii Play Times; or, links to other needed information.
If you don't find what you're looking for, have any questions or comments about HAPT, have feedback about our web site, or want to contact someone on the HAPT board, feel free to use the links provided.
Thank you again for visiting us, and we hope to see you at a meeting soon!
Learn more about the history of
HAPT's logos.
Meet the members that have given their time and hears to HAPT.